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The Simple Crocheting Techniques for the Beginner is really what this book is about. if you ve never done it before or have only thought about doing it, you ve got the right guide. Everything is kept very basic so that anyone can do it. Something as simple as how to hold the crocheting needle is taught. You ll discover how this tool can do wonders and learn which different types and sizes are best for making which specific things. Of course the material for the yawn is covered and which type is best for crocheting what. As you proceed along, not only will you be amazed at how much can be done by crocheting, you ll see how even a beginner can create some awesome stuff. it s just a matter of learning the right techniques and eventually mastering them. There s nothing like a hand-made blanket that you created with your own hands by crocheting. Being a beginner is not a problem. This book will teach you how and get you on your way to making some pretty neat stuff. You might get pretty good at it and your friend